Awesome 2016 Cubs Hype Video That Will Bring Instant Chills

I have had a pretty rough week, my grandfather passed on Easter morning, we had services on Thursday and Friday. My wife and I thought it would be great to get out of town for the rest of the weekend to just get our heads off everything.
We got back into town early this morning for my oldest son’s first baseball practice of the season, and when we got back, I was checking out my Chicago Cubs Facebook Fanpages this afternoon and came across a post by Sean Hibbeler.
So being the huge Cubs fan that I am, I clicked and saw the awesome work that he did and wanted to share it out to all the great fans of this site. This is only chapter one of this great Cubs hype video, and I can’t wait for the next chapter.
Be sure to give Sean a HUGE thumbs up and “LIKE” the video on YouTube, Subscribe to his channel. He definitely deserves it.
Thank you Sean, you helped my mind get off real life for a couple minutes. Keep up the awesome work man.