“Buyers or Sellers…We just don’t know”

The title is an abbreviated quote taken straight from White Sox President, Kenny Williams. The full quote is as follows, “To say that we’re going to be buyers or sellers or both — some combination — we just don’t know.”
These words come on the heals of Vice President and General Manager Rick Hahn saying, “As we sit here today, wrestling with being a couple of games over or a couple of games under .500 for the last few weeks, we’re mired in mediocrity. That’s not the goal, that’s not acceptable, that’s not the goal we’re trying to accomplish in the long-term. The goal was to put ourselves in a position to win a championship.”
Mired in Mediocrity. If there is a better title to describe the Chicago White Sox since their World Series win in 2005, I cannot come up with it. It would also make for a halfway decent name for some teenager’s garage band. But I digress…
These quotes were uttered 6 days apart… Think about that for a second. What has changed for the White Sox in under a week?
Chris Sale lost his mind and cut up the Sox ugliest throwback jersey.
Sox won 4 straight games, 3 of which had to be walk-offs.
In the long run, nothing. Nothing has changed for the White Sox. They are still hovering around .500. However, they are 6 games back in the Wild Card Standings, and 8 games back in the Division. Insurmountable? Absolutely not. But with teams like Detroit, Houston, Toronto, and Boston in front of you, It’s not looking good.
We are now 4 days away from the MLB Non-Waiver Trade Deadline. What are the Sox going to be?
I don’t think there is a logical case made for the Sox to be buyers and try to right this ship. After one of the hottest starts to the year (Behind the Cubs), the White Sox have fell to around .500. Some days above, other days below. But seemingly, always right around even.
After years and years of this idea of re-tooling on the fly, or re-building on the fly, I think it is time to blow it up. Kenny Williams and Jerry Reinsdorf have always tried to put their best foot forward in a “Win Now” mode. This has brought Sox fans players like, “Too Old” Ken Griffey Jr., “Too Old” Manny Ramirez, Orlando Hudson playing 3rd base, Nick Swisher playing CF, Adam Dunn, Adam LaRoche… Please don’t let me go on… It’s 7:30 am, and this list is making me want to drink.
The Sox have 2 of the Top 10 pitchers in baseball in Chris Sale and Jose Quintana, a top 10 WAR player in Adam Eaton, and the current number 2 in Home Runs in Todd Frazier. The White Sox have the assets to start over and completely turn the franchise around. Build around Tim Anderson at Shortstop. Or if Sox Brass can’t get the haul they think Sale should command, build around Sale and Anderson. Sale is 27 years old (sometimes acting like a 5 or 7 year old), but could still be an outstanding pitcher in 3 years when some of the prospects of a true Fire Sale start coming into their own.
I think Sox fans are ready for it. I think most Sox fans are almost ready to start demanding it. With that being said, this Sox fan certainly is. Is Kenny Williams? Is Jerry Reinsdorf? Unfortunately, I don’t think so. I don’t think the culture of the Southsiders changes until Williams is no longer with the organization. I like Hahn. I like some of the moves he’s made (Frazier, Lawrie, etc.). I would REALLY like to see what he could do without Kenny Williams pulling the strings. Ultimately, I don’t see that happening…
…So “Mired in Mediocrity” it is.