Chris Denorfia Bobblehead Mystery

While you might remember the Chicago Cubs utility outfielder, Chris Denorfia for one at bat…
He was actually a well thought of prospect for the San Diego Padres just a few short years ago. but when several college roommates woke up seeing hundreds of Chris Denorfia bobble heads outside their condo, well you could understand their confusion.
Roommates Philip Jia and Jelena Lau woke one morning to 600 bobble heads at their door, according to NBC San Diego. Not knowing who would have done this, their imaginations got the better of them.
“We opened them up expecting to find something a little more nefarious” Jia said
Continuing to that point, Jelena added.
“We thought it was from a drug cartel or something,” echoed roommate Jalena Lau. “But when we went through them they were just regular bobble heads.”
After the police confirmed the Denorfia bobbleheads in fact did not contain drugs, which is an actual worry in Southern California, they recommended that the college roommates do their HOA a solid and take care of their mysterious surprise.
The roommates collected about 300 Denorfia Bobblehead toys, stacked most of them in another roommates room, then soon after all the rest were removed just as secretly as they arrived.
Jia and Lau have since found creative ways to get rid of the hundreds of bobbleheads they kept. The most creative was giving them away as party favors.
“Actually we had a huge Halloween party and a lot of our friends came over and it was kind of a like a present we gave out to everyone,” said Lau.
Counting out drug cartels, and college pranksters, this was obviously a scheme by Chris Denorfia to gain more fans.
“I’m now a huge Chris Denorfia fan,” Philip Jia said.