Cincinnati Reds Announcers Rip Cubs Fans

While the Chicago Cubs are tearing apart the Cincinnati Reds on the baseball field, Reds announcers were ripping Chicago Cubs fans from the TV booth. With the Cubs up 7-1 in the top of the ninth inning, Chicago fans started chanting “Let’s go Cubs!”
That is where Thom Brennaman, former Cubs announcer and son of legendary Reds announcer Marty Brennaman, began a rant about Cubs fans.
Brennaman closes his rant about the Cubs fans (featured below): "Enough already."
— Zach Bernard (@Zachbernardfw) April 23, 2016
My first thought to this is, if you don’t like it try winning a game, but we all know the Reds aren’t going to compete with the heavy hitters in the National League Central and especially not the Cubs in 2016.
What is apparent in the rant is, Thom is just salty. Perhaps because of the way he and the Cubs severed ties, or maybe he’s just a homer Reds fan. Who knows, but this isn’t the first time a Brennaman has ripped the Cubs, or our fans.
During a game back in 2008, Cubs fans threw commemorative baseballs that were handed out at Wrigley out onto the field. That is when Thom’s father, Marty blasted Cubs fans.
Maybe Cincinnati should pay more attention to the dumpster fire they trot out on the field everyday and not what Cubs fans are doing.
Thom, either stop fighting your father’s battles or get over your time here in Chicago.
Well thought out comment Marty. I don’t support fans that throw commemorative balls onto the field, but in the same breath as you say that Cub fans blame a goat, you’re blaming the fans for the play on the field. Moron.
He don’t need to be a cry baby,he needs to ack like a man and grow up!! he is a big sissy!!
I hope that old man Marty is finally dead so he won’t have to endure the Cubs taking it all this year! Haters gonna hate……
There are bad fans of every team on the planet. Why single out Cub fans? Because they have done better than the team you are pulling for? I’d say that is pretty bad too!
who cares what he says or thinks,a true cub fan cheers for your cubbies thru bad times and good you and your reds fans should grow up and learn from cub fans.just keep your mouth shut about cub fans cause you wasn’t good enough for the cubs
This is typical Marty Brennaman !!! I remember him ripping the Cub fans 3 or 4 years ago, and he continues his tirade. Hey Marty when your Reds were beating on the Cubs in the past it was a different story wasn’t it!!! Get use to it the Reds STINK, and so do you.
P.S. Your son Thom, does he share the same opinion?
So you didn’t even read the article. As a Cubs fan, can you read?
Moron. He’s making a sweeping, broad generalization about all Cub fans, even though a handful of Cub fans were throwing the balls.
Haha as a Reds fan all I have to say is learn how to be winners 90% what I have seen has been you all being jack asses. Being up 7 at someone else’s park chanting “let’s go cubbies” is just Busch league. Learn to be winners and respectful. I’m all for going to another park and hanging right with your team. But being a totally asshat fans about it. Welcome to being one of the most hated teams just because your team is going to have success the next few years. It’s not about being salty because I love watching the Cubs team because they really honestly have talent. I love watching those young players. But how you disrespect other teams really shows your colors and it’ll come back around trust me. Good luck trying to finish the playoffs because being assholes will not get the monkey off your back..
Ps- Everyone else as Reds fans.
Haha, good luck coming outta this a winner.
I have a better suggestion. If reds fans don’t want to hear the cubs fans chant then SHOW UP TO A GAME instead of having just cubs fans in the stands
Chanting “Let’s go Cubs” is disrespectful? What a crock. I guess we’re required to just sit on our hands silently all game…
Terrible grammar. “Perhaps him and the Cubs……”. Good grief. Perhaps “he” needs learn better “American”
Now if you got a guy who don’t speak no United States how you supposed to understand him
Cubs are going all the way and these mooks just can’t swallow the fact that the Cubs are the A-team of baseball.
P.s. There’s a reason the Cincinnati Reds logo resembles a toilet seat
The irony of cubs fans getting mad when someone makes broad generalizations about their fan base because of individual fans is hilarious. Please continue the hypocrisy. Amazing how cubbie fans true colors show now that they finally got a winning team.
I love Cubs fans, haven’t won anything since 1908 and the first time they have a contender they pound there chest. WIN something then talk. It was nice seeing the fans spending money last night at the park. You have great team but finish a season for once. Bring on the goat!
Josh Dennis, True colours are showing Pal.
We Cub Fans don’t quit cheering in the 9th inn. because we are a lhead 7-1.
And unlike Red Fans , we still show up when our team sucks!
Seems you’re a pot calling the kettle black!! Lol! Seems You are a hypocrite and judgemental . Most Cub fans are good people that are just excited to be winning and preparing to win a World Series. So live with it !
My brother said this best, the Cubs have been the poster for losing for over 100 years and now that the team is good other fanbases can’t stand that we cheer. Thing, we’ve cheered the past 100 years, and will continue to cheer.
True Cub Fans are always behind their CUBBIES
On the head! Yes, I myself chastised those who threw the commemorative baseballs back, especially since it was the Cubs who were on the field at the time. However, the truth is there are no more loyal fans in baseball than true Cub fans! And even when they were up 16 the other night, should they have been quite when Arietta was going for a no-no! Idiot brennaman!!
Can you positively identify each and every individual throwing a ball on the field as a Cub Fan. Really – Get over it and Get a LIFE
My remark was based on the idea that cub fans like to use a broad brush to paint other franchises when it suits them. Not saying that cub fans haven’t been loyal through thin and even more thin, but it reeks of hypocrisy ,ya know when you say one thing but do another, when you say you shouldn’t be judged based on individual fans when you yourselves do this same thing to other teams.
LET’s GO Cubbies ! CLAP CLAP clap-clap-clap !
LET’s GO Cubbies ! CLAP CLAP clap-clap-clap !
Hey Thom Brain-dead-aman, get over it, dolt.
Face it, your P.O.S team BLOWS. Maybe 4 everyday players even make the Cubbies roster, and your “pitching’ staff ? Purely bush league, an embarrassment to be honest. The Cubbies have racked up 8+ in a game against your rag tag outfit 5 times already this season. FIVE TIMES ! It’s APRIL. You’re going to be hearing “Let’s Go Cubbies” A LOT for the next 6,7,8, 10 years numb-nuts. What happened to your sorry ass anyway ? When you came to Chicago in the early 90’s, you looked 10 years younger than me, now you look 10 years older. A lot like your old geezer of a father, Marty, another curmudgeon whiner that needs to retire.