Coincidence? Maybe. Spooky? Definitely. Old Archived Video Shows Ricketts Destiny

Wow, so this was freaky. It was freaky when I wrote about it back in 2015 and it’s freaky now.
Chicago Film Archive has a video of Wrigley Field from 1938 filmed by Jacob Glick a Ukrainian immigrant who owned cigar shops around Chicago. The video below is part of a 93 reel set of footage showing Glick and his family around Chicago. Here is that Wrigley video.
Now you may have caught it, or may have missed it, but there was a sign that might have predicted the Cubs current ownership on one of the left field rooftops. Here it is.
Pretty freaky right!?
Now at the time I originally posted this (found here) I was able to uncover the origins of that sign. And no, it had nothing to do with the current Ricketts family that own the Chicago Cubs.
“Ricketts” was a family owned bar and grill that had several locations throughout the city. This specific establishment was located at 2727 N. Clark St. and was famous for their strawberry waffles, whole lobster (85 cents), caviar sandwiches (45 cents), and assortment of at least four different gelatin salads every evening.
The video had surfaced in 2012, but had only begun getting noticed when it was placed on the Chicago Film Archive YouTube page in 2015. There was a little argument on if it was in 1937 or 1938, however the scoreboard being in centerfield suggests this was taken in 1938, after the scoreboard was moved from left to center.
History is cool, it’s even cooler when it’s spooky.