Hawk Harrelson Calls for Lackey to be Hit

There is such a thing as unwritten rules. You don’t bunt in the late innings with a no-hitter. A catcher doesn’t hit another catcher in a questionable way. A base runner doesn’t yell to distract fielders. You don’t steal signs.
I am a believer in most unwritten rules, so what, crucify me. I don’t agree with calling for heads. Not anymore anyway.
But there Chicago White Sox announcer, Ken “Hawk” Harrelson was Tuesday afternoon, calling for Chicago Cubs pitcher, John Lackey, to be hit for missing inside.
But it gets worse…
It is one thing to call for another player to get hit. It is another thing to ask for the pitcher to get hit. It is a completely different thing to wish for a screamer up the middle that drills the pitcher.
Sure Hawk knows the game and the unwritten rules of the game, but he should also realize that the ball is a freaking weapon. 95 plus at a person is a weapon. A ball hit up the middle at 100 MPH is a weapon. These hurt people. These injure people. These end people’s careers.
Sure I know some will combat this with, “they are just giving Lackey a dose of his own medicine.” Or the, “don’t dish what you can’t take.”
Thing is, it is a close game with one out in the fifth. Why would Lackey hit a man, which would bring the tying run to the plate? If it was a purpose pitch, it would have been with two outs and no one on.
Hawk had his time, now he is just a crusty old grumpy man that has lost touch.
He’s nothing but a fucking prick. You can put that on the board YES! He sucked as a player to.