Jake Arrieta Hit With WHAT in Boston?

I want to be careful here, all fan bases have idiots. All fan bases have a faction that are absolute scum. This week hasn’t been the greatest for Boston Red Sox fans because its been their turn too highlight some of their despicable behavior. Now again, not all Boston fans are like this, or feel this way.
During Monday night’s series opener between the Red Sox and Baltimore Orioles, Baltimore center fielder Adam Jones was hit with peanuts and was called a nigger. This is absolutely horrible and inexcusable behavior, and the actions and words do not have a place in the world today. In case I wasn’t clear enough, whomever is responsible is the absolute worst kind of human there is.
It is a shame because Boston has done a lot to shed the racial stigma that tarnished a beautiful city. As much as we think humans have grown, we get reminded there’s so much more we have to go.
While on Bernstein and Goff on WSCR 670 for his weekly segment, Chicago Cubs pitcher Jake Arrieta was asked about the Jones incident. That is when Jake had a brief remark that he was hit with a hot dog while in the dugout in Boston. He didn’t really go into the story, or mention if it was this past weekend’s trip, or earlier in his career. Regardless he was hit with a hot dog. There are a lot of things your ticket to a ballgame licenses you to do, throwing things at the players is not one of them.
The next segment, and what provoked Jake’s response, was the frank and honest conversation Jason Goff and Dan Bernstein had about racism and the word, “nigger.” It was one of the most powerful radio segments I’ve heard in a long time. With Jason speaking so passionately, you could hear his emotions crackling his voice.
Jason proclaimed a call to action to not hide the word, nigger. It has so much power, and to remove some of that hurt behind the word, Jason called to use the word in print, in media. While writing it cannot remove the hurt, media should report it’s use without the fear they have had over the years.
I highly recommend that you go to 670 The Score and listen to the show (search Bernstein and Goff). It is simply great radio. Take a listen, learn as a people. We have got to become one, otherwise we end up alone.