Kris Bryant Defends Wife, in the Most Completely Kris Bryant Way

What is wrong with people? I mean seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? In a beautiful post on Kris and Jessica Bryant’s second anniversary, some Instagram troll thought it was the right place and time to add a horrible remark towards the Bryant’s.
This is when nickroyz decided to post a comment towards Jess. And of course Kris came back in the most Kris Bryant way possible.
This is reason 1,803,017 Kris is a better person than I am. But, I know for a fact I’m better than Nick is, no matter how beautiful his family is.
If it matters, and it doesn’t, Jessica is gorgeous and Kris is lucky to have someone that (from appearances) is every bit as beautiful inside as she is outside.
Happy anniversary you two love birds.