MLB The Show Made a Rizzo Reliever Card!!!

So, I’m just sitting around minding my own business scrolling around Reddit. I come across the MLB The Show 21’s subreddit, where I see a player card for Anthony Rizzo with Freddie Freeman on it. I’ve seen hundreds of fake cards, so I don’t take it seriously, but I started reading people’s responses. And people…! The folks at San Diego Studios ACTUALLY MADE AN ANYTHING RIZZO RELIEF PITCHER CARD!!!
So the best first baseman, leadoff hitter, reliever of all time now has a card as a pitcher in the game!
For those unfamiliar with the way this works, MLB The Show has an online part of the game where players go head-to-head. The players you use are all collected players you’ve either earned or bought on the market (with game stubs). After creating your team, you play against others, mostly in a mode called Diamond Dynasty, but also in events.
To get this Anthony Rizzo relief pitcher card, you have to play moments, which are a series of real life instances that you have to mimic. So, say a player hits the homers or throws a no-hitter, you’ll need to duplicate their feats. So I logged into MLB The Show yesterday to earn this card, and Rizzo vs Freeman was one of the challenges.
Not bragging, but it took one time for me to do this challenge… I wanted too play with him for so much longer! After you complete all the challenges, you get a a pack where you select three cards, a diamond series, a gold series, and a silver series card.
Now, my only qualms is, why is he *only* rated a 75!? This is the best relief pitcher of all time, owner of a 0.00 ERA afterall. But nontheless, the folks at SDS did an awesome thing and I’m 1000% here for it!
Oh, and if you play, request me! I’m @rljmb23 on PlayStation.