No One Plays Fortnite Better than the Brewers Play Fortnite

If you have kids between the ages of say, 5 and up, then you have heard about the video game Fortnite. Heck, you yourself have probably played the game. If you’re anything like me, you last 30 seconds and are immediately killed by someone that resembles Deadpool.
I’m not a Milwaukee Brewers fan, as the website suggests, but they play Fortnite better than anyone else plays Fortnite – and that includes you Ninja (again, if you have kids of said age, you’ve at least heard of Ninja).
I mean that is just awesome. While teams like the Chicago Cubs clutter their video board with silly things like playoff games while the Cubs are away, the Brewers have found a way to use that board.
Jokes aside, this is pretty awesome and I’m pretty jealous.