The Ridiculous Costs to Propose in MLB Stadiums

We’ve all seen it, sitting in the stands and then over the scoreboard there’s a special message asking some poor woman to marry a guy that thought that was the best way to propose. While you clap when the scoreboard sends that second message, “she said yes,” everyone is secretly thinking… “would have been hilarious if she said no!”
What we never seem to realize is, just how much does it cost to have your most intimate and romantic moment asked by an electronic video board and the stadium announcer?
Well there’s answers for you. The folks over at Swimmingly have posted the costs to propose at every MLB baseball stadium across the country. I’ll just say this, luckily I live in Chicago!
Coincidently, the city that probably holds the most expensive divorces, LA, also figured to have the most expensive wedding proposals at $2,500. All the while, I could do a corny proposal in both Wrigley and “The Cell” for a measly $230, which is still less than the $250 it would cost us to do it in our typically less expensive neighbors to the north, Milwaukee.
The most loveless cities; Toronto, Baltimore, Los Angeles/Anaheim, Kansas City, and New York/Queens do not do proposals.
Surprisingly, Yankee Stadium is rather affordable and teams like the Ray’s, Astros, Nationals, Marlins, and the Indians are near the top of this list.
So next time you see that poor schmuck have someone else propose at a ballgame, you’ll know how much he wasted if she says no.