The Cubs Tried Pretty Hard to Trade Addison Russell

While we all likely assumed as much, but based on reporting from Ken Rosenthal, the Chicago Cubs tried to trade Addison Russell earlier in the postseason.
A couple of unidentified clubs, however, at least contemplated adding Russell, and one even discussed the matter with ownership, sources said. That team backed off after Russell’s ex-wife, Melisa Reidy, and previous girlfriend and mother of his first child, Mallory Engstrom, went public in mid-December with new details of his alleged abuse against them.
If the Cubs are going to move Russell, who turns 25 on Jan. 23, it will not be until he demonstrates better performance on the field (his OPS declined from .738 to .722 to .657 the past three seasons) and better conduct off it.
As one can imagine, trading someone with baggage is a difficult task, but not impossible. I do believe that teams have become more guarded in these scenarios. The Cubs took a big PR hit when they traded for Aroldis Chapman, who came off a suspension because of domestic-violence accusations, the Houston Astros took a beating when they traded for Roberto Osuna.
We are in the era of Social Media and Social Media Justice. Maybe 30 years ago a team could make a trade for someone with a less than stellar ethical or moral background. A time when, while a fan’s feelings matter, but they certainly weren’t heard. Today, 99% of your fan base has a voice, and that voice become louder and louder through every social media post.
The Cubs have been put through the wringer because of Russell, and deservedly so, but if you step away from the things he is accused of you see the Cubs are in a very tough place.
I am not giving Russell or the Cubs a pass here, not at all. I have been very adamant about the Cubs needing to part with Russell. There have been several articles on this website that I have stated that case, and have not shied away from the criticism from the “innocent until proven guilty” crew. I have softened my hard-lined stance on Russell, but the best thing for everyone is for him to not be on the Cubs any longer. I don’t care how that happens.
But the team deals in assets, and no business just gets rid of assets for nothing. Which is why after the Cubs couldn’t trade Russell, they agreed to terms and had the official statements released from the team and him.
Russell will not be at the Cubs Convention, per team policy, on January 18th through the 20th. He is expected to address the media before the team’s first full workout during spring training.