The Value of the Cubs Franchise is Off the Charts

Forbes does an annual report estimating the values of all MLB teams just about this time each year. This year was no different (surprise, surprise) and the value of the Cubs is incredible!
Just two years ago the Chicago Cubs were valued at $1.2 billion. The Ricketts family bought the team for $845 million. Now they are the fifth most valuable team in the league.
This is an increase of $1.355 billion in just six years. How would you like that sort of return on your investment?
Of course this is after a 97 win season, renovation approval to Wrigley, a complete turnaround of the franchise internally as well as the on the field product. What this doesn’t account for just yet is, the inevitable huge media contract the Cubs will be set to make in just a few short years. While the team may still fall short of the New York Yankees $3.4 billion, it will certainly increase the teams value tremendously.
*Also of note, the Chicago White Sox are valued over $1 billion for the first time as well.