Scott Boras Livid Over Kris Bryant Injury

If you missed the game on Sunday, during the third inning Kris Bryant injured his ankle trying to beat out a double play. Game conditions were wet and rainy, and Bryant awkwardly landed on his foot after it slid off first base.
Kris Bryant slips on a wet base and twists his ankle.
— Ryan Boyer (@RyanPBoyer) September 22, 2019
With Cubs captain, Anthony Rizzo already suffering from a sprained ankle, this was a nightmare-like scenario for the Cubs who were fighting for their playoff lives. A couple of innings later the Cubs announced that the injury was only a sprain, and Bryant avoided any fractures. Nonetheless, this didn’t stop Bryant’s agent from getting upset at MLB for once again disregarding player safety for profit.
Here is what Boras had to say, via the Chicago Sun-Times:
“What have they done since Harper? The answer is: nothing,” said agent Scott Boras, who lobbied for safety measures in the wake of Harper’s injury. “They’re focused on other factors, economic factors, all things relating to how they can administer the game, and yet the safety of players and resolution of this issue has gone without any attention.
“The integrity of our game is going to damaged when the safety of players is not at the forefront, and Major League Baseball has dropped the ball on the wet bag subject.”
Boras is talking about an injury to one of his other prominent clients, Bryce Harper who suffered from a similar injury back in 2017.
Boras goes on to suggest that MLB umpires should towel off bases when there are wet conditions if MLB must continue to play these games. He’s also suggested newer and safer bases that can withstand slick conditions better. He was especially upset because everyone in Chicago and at the league offices knew there was a strong possibility of rain during the game.
“They had notice of this,” Boras stated. “These are star players. What have they done to protect these players?”
He has a point. Imagine if this was on Thursday, and the Cubs still had a strong chance of competing for the divisional title. If Bryant or any star player for either team was knocked out, and what should be either a season-ending injury or dang close to it, how pissed would teams, players, and fans be then?
I know Boras gets a horrible rap for trying to get the most money possible for his clients, but he does press the league on many topics like this, which could provide positive change in the game.
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No one can predict an injury like Bryant”s. An average citizen could injure themselves like he did. Stop being a cry baby and play like you want to win instead of complaining.