St. Louis Blues True Colors Shine When Mocking The Blackhawks

The handshake. It is the most honored and respected of traditions in the National Hockey League. The handshake proves that men can be at war with each other for seven grueling nights. Hitting each other for 420 minutes. Wanting nothing more than to beat the other man and leave him in your dust, and then turning around and congratulating them on a hard fought series. It is the one moment of every hockey playoff I make a point to show my children, the moment which I try and teach them that the value of being a good sportsman is as important as being a champion.
The St. Louis Blues failed miserably at this on Monday night as they eliminated the Chicago Blackhawks in Game 7 of the opening round series. While this criticism isn’t directed at the players or coaches or possibly even the general management, it is pointed at the organization for souring one of the greatest traditions in all of sport.
During the handshakes a very familiar song to Blackhawks players and fans alike began to be played by the Scott Trade Center organist. With “Chelsea Dagger” by The Fratellis began playing, Blackhawks players were shaking the hands of the men who beat them and in a mockingly manner, the Blues organization belittled what is supposed to be the most honorable part of a series and really showed their true colors.
The #Blues organist just played a few lines of Chelsea Dagger in a minor key, trying to mock the #Blackhawks and their 3 Stanley Cups. #COOL
— Bill Wilson (@ivwilsoniv) April 26, 2016
No, no it isn’t #Cool. Perhaps this is a “get off my lawn” moment for me, but I don’t take kindly to act of unsportsmanlike behavior, especially when it was done just after sending a team home for the summer.
Hopefully this makes it’s way to the Blues’ organist, or whoever signed off on this garbage, and they learn from their actions. But hey, we are talking about St. Louis here… so probably not.
Be sure to check out the Response
I didn’t see The Blues with the Stanley cup last night..? He who laughs last,laughs best!
know you did not . But u well not see the hawks do it this yr
Well, you’re not going to see the Blackhawks with the Cup this year either!!! LOL
But hey, maybe the Cubs will make a run this year to make up for it…….on second thought, it’s the Cubs!!!!
Better luck next year guys!
Let’s Go Blues!!!!
I also didnt see any blackhawks fans anywhere before their stanley cup. Must have some confortable seats on the wagon
Didn’t see Chicago winning it last night either so what’s to laugh about?
predictable reply is predictable
I didn’t see the Hawks with the Cup after last nights game, either. You know, since they got knocked out and aren’t advancing.
Your right it was last june, you know since they got knocked out in the playoffs by a team like the wild in the first round,who we beat three years in a row oh and just so you didnt forget its only the second round,so whats your point weve already been there done that my point why dont you win a cup this year your not hurting us over here we already know what it feels like just saying so you might wanna save it until it actually happens good luck chocking again its about time you guys advance.
Boo hoo….and it won’t be you this year…. sore LOSER!
Would you like a tissue ?
You condemn The City of St. Louis , The fans of The Saint Louis Blues , and speak of unsportsmanlike conduct over a song played on an organ , that may have hurt your “feelings” , yet make no mention , nor apology for 2 of Chicago’s alledged professionals , 1 who was suspended for gross misconduct due to poor language and behavior , and 1 who was suspended for 5 games , when he should have been arrested for assault with intent to do great bodily harm , causing physical damage , and you have the audacity to speak of Sportsmansh
This was stolen…..BUT fits you to a “T”.
Fucking pussies
I like how you’re still butthurt by a big lost like a little bitch you are.
how many cup do you have? haha hahaha haha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha haha hahaha hahaha
How many cups are you getting this year? None? Why? St Louis beat you that’s why
How many World Series does your baseball team have
Same amount as you…zero. The Hawks have six. I hate it when I hear any sports fans make comments like “we have won three times in the last six years.” Oh really what position did you play, didn’t see you out there. Geez, this was a great series. I don’t know why everyone is sinking to this BS “sour grapes” grade school name calling level.
Me personally? Depends on how you define a “cup”. I have three plastic cups in my cupboard. If you include “glasses” then that would bring the count up to 7 (that doesn’t include all my beer glassware though). If you are talking about my jock, I have two of those.
So if we are only going to count things made of plastic, I have a total of 5 cups. How many do you have?
Would you like a tissue ?
You condemn The City of St. Louis , The fans of The Saint Louis Blues , and speak of unsportsmanlike conduct over a song played on an organ , that may have hurt your “feelings” , yet make no mention , nor apology for 2 of Chicago’s alledged professionals , 1 who was suspended for gross misconduct due to poor language and behavior , and 1 who was suspended for 5 games , when he should have been arrested for assault with intent to do great bodily harm , causing physical damage , and you have the audacity to speak of Sportsmanship ?
Look about five posts ago, I absolutely ripped Andrew Shaw a new one and have been consistent in saying he’s a bad hockey player, takes the worst penalties, and how using language like he did was disgusting. But think what you will.
Sour grapes. That is what you write about after a fantastic series? Really? What a whining hack. Let’s talk about the Hawks lack of organizational depth. Lack of draft picks in the next two years. Stan Bowman has done a great job. But with 7 million in cap space for next year and and aging Hossa you could be looking at 3 years of first round exits.
Remember two years ago when Seabrook placed a foul hit on Backes and your entire city printed “Wakey Wakey, Backes” t-shirts? Get this garbage article out of here. It’s a song.
He’s obviously alot better than your dumb ass making alot more money than you are and had more goals in the Stanley Cup Playoffs This year Than Patrick Kane , Johnathon Toews and Artemi Panarin combined in the playoffs this year yeah Chicago may have lost and he may take Stupid Penalties and may say some stupid stuff that he truly doesn’t mean to offend anybody but he said it because he was frustrated and mad about the fact that he got a penalty that could of cost his team the series
Your “classy” fans were roaming the streets of St. Louis, yelling , “F— the Blues” and trying their damndest to get into fights. So, yeah.
The series should have been over in 4 games before the referees single-handed lay handed Game 2 to Chicago. You should be glad that the NHL allowed the Blackhawks to stick around when they didn’t earn it. There is nothing wrong with what the Blues did during the handshake. You sound like a typical butthurt Chicago fan. Take your loss like a man and act like you’ve done it before. Get over yourself.
But the Chicago BlackHawks organization still keeps him around so what does that say?
He is gone this offseason, what does that say?
It says salary cap.
What about “wakey wakey Backes” added to that list? Your team is the epitome of frat boy douche baggery. Get a life.
What about Duncan Keith??? He blatantly has hacked two people in the past with his stick intentionally an has served what most NHL fans would call a slap on the wrist. You Mr. Faker have a very “unsportsmanlike” Dfenseman on your team. I’ll bet he’s not ripped by you nor will he be going anywhere anytime soon
Salary cap issues, that’s what it says. Otherwise, he’d still be a Hawk. Let’s be honest here
Okay, well if Chicago is so classy and right, they should have benched that punk Shaw, for his actions, along with the violent, uncontrolled Keith as well! Team full of violent, homophobic punks and thugs. Oh, and while you’re at it, stop offending and disrespecting the military men and women, past and present and this great country, by cheering and carrying on like little children while they play and sing our National Anthem. It’s a solemn and respectful song, not a damn college party anthem! Disgraceful and disrespectful! But you get butt-hurt about us playing a damn song after a game?!?! What??! So you all “own” this song? ? Only you can play it? Come on. I know it hurts to lose to the Blues, but get over it and get used to it! Don’t talk “no class” without first “looking in the mirror”.
I’ll believe that when I see it. He’s still a member of the team, and they kept him all season to be the dirty player he is.
so it’s respectful of the Blackhawks fans to go to other arenas and yell very loudly during the fucking NATIONAL anthem?? When it is a sign of respect to be quiet and listen during the song (just because you do it at home doesn’t make it “respectful” elsewhere)??? Get off your fucking high horse this is hockey and you lost, suck it up
Took a lot of heat for it (maybe rightfully so) but ultimately I haven’t changed my mind.
What do you expect? It’s Chicago.
Very well written, I couldn’t have put it better myself! To me, this just sounds like a nonsense reason to create drama and take the attention off of how poorly the Blackhawks themselves acted during the series. Honestly, it is just a song and these are grown ass men. If they are going to get all butt hurt over it then so be it. All it’s going to do is fuel an already heated rivalry and lead to better games between the two cities.
Yep….spur grapes from a team that lost and is known for their dirty play
Sour…sorry for the typo
All this coming from Chicago. One of the worse sportsman like behavior in the NHL. # Shaw. Get real people.
Check out my piece on Shaw, we don’t turn a blind eye cause the guy wears the Indian Head.
YOU may not. But we’re talking about the “organization” here.
I did read the article, and one section stood out.
“I get it, you are in the heat of the moment and you realized that you messed up by coming to the net, late, and still felt necessary to hit someone from behind. You are mad because this is a play that happens time and time again with no penalties. But you, a player who has made several deep playoff runs and have your name etched on Lord Stanley’s cup need to realize that after the Corey Crawford tussle, the refs are no longer giving the benefit of the doubt. It was a stupid penalty at the worst of times.”
All you talk about is how the homophobic, sophomoric display affected the game and how it might leave Hawks fans with a bad impression of him. Nowhere do you say “I don’t take kindly to act of unsportsmanlike behavior”. (also, not a typo on my part, as I copied it directly from the article. Either “act” should be plural or, if meant to be singular, preceded by “an”.) If you really cared about sportsmanlike behavior, you would have been calling for Shaw to have been suspended for longer. Are you really going to say that “Hopefully this makes it’s way to the Blues’ organist, or whoever signed off on this garbage, and they learn from their actions” over an organist who got a little cocky, while ignoring the fact that you have rooted for an asshole, who’s also a dirty player, for five years, but now it’s okay to realize that he’s a piece of shit because he’s leaving. This is a joke. The handshake line is one of the greatest traditions in sport, but to only look at that and not what happens on the ice is downright laughable. If I thought you were a real Hawks fan, I’d go into much greater depth, but rather, I’ll wait a few years when they can’t afford to build a team around Kane (another piece of shit) and Toews (who I do have massive amounts of respect for) and you stop following them, like most true Hawks “fans” and consequently stop writing about them.
Took a lot of heat for it (maybe rightfully so) but ultimately I haven’t changed my mind.
yes, it is a big conspiracy, i am sure the blues management, front office, hell even the president and owner all got together to orchestrate this, oh and the entire city of st. louis…get a life. Also, have you never seen your own team?? this is the pot calling the kettle black.
I didn’t notice this at the game, and even replaying it, I still don’t really hear it. Maybe my senses are more trained to watch hockey rather then pick up subtle music notes.
What I did notice was the Hawks fans yelling during the National Anthem. It might be a tradition in your building, which I respect, but it’s not in ours.
As far as I’m concerned, the Hawks and their fans, have now room to complain about a lack of class or sportsmanship.
But at the scottrade center every time in the anthem we scream Blues over brave? This article is total bullshit. Its a heated, respected rivalry. Both teams do things that are unsportsmanlike even more proving the fact that you have to be a little dirty to win.. but hey one of the teams has more suspensions in the postseason… who is that again, faggot?
Classic St. Louis there…
Dr, this story has been confirmed by multiple folks that were in attendance. There were large groups (not all 35,000) that cheered. There were multiple sections that confirm this as well. From what we have gathered, this happened between innings where there was coverage from around the league (something most all stadiums do including the Cell). When the announcement was made that the Cubs would lose Schwarber for the season, that is when it happened.
There has been an email sent into the Chicago White Sox PR folks, and we have yet to hear from them on how the message was delivered.
Yeah not sure what the organist has to do with the sportsmanship of the organization. Now the Chicago Cubs not even bothering to come onto the field during the national anthem at Busch recently? Shaw’s actions? Keith’s habitual lack of sportsmanship? Kane going after the Blues goalie at the end of game 5? Crawford attacking a 20 year old kid who did everything he could to avoid serious contact…..
Sounds like the Hawks and Chicago teams as a whoe habitually have a lack of respect for the game, fans, refs, tradition and their opponents. Maybe you should be pulling examples from your own backyard to teach your kid.
Amen brother!
I’m sorry this occurred, because yes, its not respectful. This fantastic series against two great teams has concluded and that’s all we should take out of this. There were highs and lows but the hawks played great, the Blues just happened to win out. To be fair your great organization has won several cups. Since the blues have not won any, we can leave it at that and cheer for them in the series.
Yeah this article is a load, eh? Watch the video above, both teams are very respectful of each other, and are genuinely telling each other what an amazing series it was.. Neither side has any control whatsoever of what the organist is playing.. Ridiculous! When I saw this live, I didn’t even notice the organ music, and on hearing again, it doesn’t even sound good.. Yes, give me a break.. if you want to talk unsportsmanlike conduct, let’s talk about Shaw (flipping double-birds to the refs among other things), and let’s talk about Crawford going after a 20 year old up-and-comer for being pushed into him by a blackhawk.. There’s your unsportsmanlike conduct..
Lol at the kid saying three Cups in his tweet when they actually have six… Damn bandwagoners ?
No one complained whenever the Cardinals played it during a pitching change!! Here is my sportsmanship to you…A big Andrew Shaw hello to you!!!
Jason, go ahead and read the article we did blasting Shaw.
And Duncan Keith trying to behead someone or the fans yelling during the national anthem. I don’t think you addressed that?
Keith can be an idiot, and at times doesn’t tip toe tge line of dirty – he line jumps deep into it.
As a veteran myself, there is nothing wrong with the Hawks anthem. Look up why it started. It is done to honor those fighting currently, and those who’ve given everything.
Just looked up the origin of the Blackhawks yelling during the anthem. It only mentions it was to get the team going when they played the Oilers in the 80’s. It has NOTHING to do with the troops or respect to ANYONE. I found this info on the NHL page for the Blackhawks.
Or Crawford going after Fabri after being shoved into Crawford by a Blackhawk?
You realize that was one of the heat of the moment situations, right? Crow gets chipped all night and gets hit in the head. He doesn’t know Toews pushed his momentum forward into him cause he’s watching the puck. Also, I to this day do not know how the Hawks came out of that with a PP.
I absolutely hate “the heat of the moment” excuses. It doesn’t matter if it is Shaw, Crawford, or any player from any team. Do you think these role models have never been hit before? Never dealt with adversity before. No matter the profession to be considered a professional requires a set of disciplined skills. To grant passes to these people is just flat out wrong. If you write something in appropriately do you get to say “sorry it was the heat of the moment and I lost my composure” do you? You are a professional who is paid to write and be disciplined in your approach to your craft. Why should these professionals be any different?
There were collisions with the goaltenders at both ends of the ice during this series but only one who kept his cool. Maybe that’s why the Blues won?
Now, on top of that, the Blues just beat the defending Stanley Cup champions in a game 7 on home that basically, allowed the same roster that had failed 3 years running, to finally advance to the 2nd round. I’d call the buzzer sounding the end of game 7, I don’t know, the opposite of the heat of the moment. The organist is mostly likely a fan of the game and home team, and at that moment, he may have lost sight of his professionalism. That moment, a moment of antagonism, is something that happens all the time during games of all sports. Those moments are meant mainly to liven up the fans and if possible, get under the skin of the opposing team. For the most part, the players are professional enough and have been accustomed to such antics that it doesn’t affect them. Seems like there’s always an excuse readily available to defend the actions of the Blackhawks.
It’s a shame people like you exist because you take away from what was a great series! In the sports world, I despise the Chicago Blackhawks but I’d certainly love to have a number of those players wearing the Blue Note! You know, I’d like to say that the Hawks are a great team and have accomplished much over the past decade. I’d like to say that the entire organization is first class with some pretty good talent of their own but…
After a series like that, it’s a shame we can’t take the example you set out to give your children and lern from it ourselves and say ‘Great series fella’s! You got our number this year. I still don’t like the sweater you’re wearing but go kick some a** and bring home the Cup!’
Seriously??? It’s a song that has nothing to do with Hockey, so what if the Blackhawks use it. Just enjoy those 3 cups and an early start to your summer of 2016.
I think you’re being too sensitive. I was at that game and thought it was a truly touching moment. During the shake I thought of it more as a homage to their team. As much as it is a relief, most people were sad to see them go. These are two incredible teams & neither team deserved to be out in Round One. But we all knew one must go. The positive vibe rang all night in the Scottrade Center. I saw and even participated in hugs and hi-fives with Hawk fans. All the fans I partied with all night were bummed on the loss but happy for us and wished us luck for the cup. Should I say Chicago’s true colors are shining through by you writing a salty article like this after things not going your way? Well. I’m not. I’m gonna take the memories of the fans I met that night instead. Real hockey fans.
I agree. I’m tired of the crap and finger pointing. I’m pissed the Hawks lost. However, there are bad apples in every bushel that bring out the ugly – for both teams. They both have done or said things in the heat of the moment that they may regret and then the fans jump on it to generalize about the entire city. All pettiness aside, it was a great series. St. Louis is a great city. Pappy’s is the best! Congrats on getting the monkey of your back. Good luck in the second round.
It’s hockey. Suck it up! If you’d like, I’m sure there’s a safe-zone somewhere you utilize on a daily basis. You cry like a football player.
Hurts to be beat.
This article is a joke.
Disrespect is your donkey shaw.
Disrespect is Crawford going mental.
Many believe the Hawks National Anthem is disrespectful.
Sore loser Jamie.
I’m not a sore loser at all. I’ve bashed Shaw myself (do some research), I’ve given my props to the Blues players. Uninformed comment.
I am actually embarrassed for you over how small and bitter you sound writing this article. I doubt 10 other people even picked up on this and I’m sure your kids wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t pointed it out to them. Regardless if you wrote previously on Shaw or not, how do you possibly condemn the Blues organization for a few notes played by an organist after the recent actions by actual Hawk players? Do the Hawks really have the moral authority when the players flip off refs, scream explatives from the ice, use deragotory words towards the refs, have a defenseman whose stick work and intent to injure has resulted in multiple suspensions, have a goalie that attacked a rookie 180 lb forward that did everything possible to avoid contact, have a coach who is constantly angry and consistently screams at officials? This recent run of good luck for the Hawks after a decade of mediocrity has created an arrogance unmatched in the NHL. Your Hawks are out if the first round. It’s a fact, it happened, grow up, and enjoy the rest of playoff hockey. Or don’t and sit home thinking about more sour grapes to write about.
Seems like a sore loser. And the bashing of shaw doesn’t justify his actions in any way.
Sorry you didn’t wanna hear your song at our stadium. I guess we’ll take your feelings into account next game.
Hawk fans are the rudest, most unsportsmanlike fans I’ve ever encountered, which shouldn’t surprise me considering the moral fiber of a good many on the team. “But we have 6 cups!” is the favorite cry now, since there isn’t much else left to say….. I say you can’t reside on past glory; put up or shut up and move on. The Red Wings have more cups than Chicago, are are far less shitty about it, and they haven’t missed the playoffs in something like 20 years. Who cares?! Only Hawks fans, I guess.
This must be one of the spoof articles because they cans be serious. Good god. Embarrassing.
Well if you watched the video, or even google it yourself you’ll find out it is not a spoof.
He’s saying Chicago fans actually making a deal out of this not that it actually happened. My god we live in a world where everything hurts someone’s feelings. Get over it..
God you Chicago fans are whi you children. What about that video that went viral of the Hawks fan after game 6 playing Chelsea dagger behind 2 blues fans at the store? Fuck off you twats.
First, great language. Second, can’t control fans, but an organization can control their own actions.
You have yet to comment on the disrespect the fans show towards the national anthem. I was at the game and didn’t even hear the song. I watched the recording and I could barely hear anything being played. If he did play it, I would say it was to show respect more than make fun or disrespect. It was a great series and the Hawks should be shown that. If that was the intention, I say it was the perfect time to play it.
I’m just not sure you can condemn an organization for what you perceive as bad sportsmanship. By that logic, the Hawks should be condemned for not making public their displeasure with Keith chanting “Wakey, Wakey” to Backes after Seabrook nearly took his head off with an illegal hit a couple of years ago. I don’t think they should need to do that, but it follows your line of thinking. Either way, it was a great series with two great teams.
Hawks true colors shine when they fly the bird and yell homophobic remarks. Or punch out cabbies over .20 they don’t want to pay.
Or when fans throw beers at Blues fans because we score a 3rd goal to take the league. Or pick fights in the parking lot after the game. Or smash bottles on cars after they get knocked out of the series. Saw it all happen. Police were busy that night with the class that came down from the north.
The organist played clip of a catchy tune? And you’re butt hurt? Remember the 49 years before you won the Cup and you were still trying to figure out how to win and act? Grow up. It was a great series and we finally won one against the might Blackhawks. Don’t bash my city on your way to the golf course. The handshake was awesome, Tarensenko was hugging guys, Crawford was gracious in defeat and Coach Q telling us to “Win the Cup”
Chris, it was nothing against the players or coaches. It is directed directly to those who signed off on it. Catchy tune? The Fratellis aren’t exactly stadium rock, and the song is ages old. I’ve tipped my hat to the Blues on a great series, and have said nuneruous times Tarasenko took over the series, Chicago had no answer for him, and if not for a rivalry – he was awesome to watch. I hope the 19th hole clubhouse has a TV so I can watch him play.
How about the Chicago Bears organization trolling St. Louis on the loss of a football team? Was that respectful?
How about the Chicago Bears organization trolling St. Louis on the loss of an NFL team? Was that respectful?
I didn’t even notice this live or even the first two times I watched the video. I think you’re being just a bit too sensitive. Ive seen countless articles and comments saying how wonderful, moving, and classy everything that took place after the game – the handshakes, the hugs, the exchanged words-were by both teams. Yet this is the only article I’ve seen that won’t agree with that. Stop trying to take away from an inspiring moment between two massive rivals. I understand you have to find something to write about, it’s your job, but it’s too knit-picky and hypersensitive. I think what followed game 7 was an impressive display of class by both sides.
This is awful writing. Mad I even clicked on it. Also, Blackhawks fans complaining is the pot calling the kettle black.
Jamie, as a Blues fan, I am likely one of few who will admit it was a terribly tacky decision on the organists part. However, I also must say you are being a bit sensitive. You have a great, storied franchise in Chicago and I would think that would be enough to take comfort in. It was a bad decision by ONE individual, like many bad decisions by individuals already pointed out in this thread. While you can defend yourself by saying you ripped Shaw apart, the fact is you ripped one individual apart, not the orginization as you did here. That sir, is hypocritical!
By the way, I did read the piece on Shaw…
Wow. I’m a Hawks fan and this is one of the most poorly written, asinine articles I’ve seen. These are the types of fans that give Chicago fans a bad name. How the hell do 3 notes played by an organist reflect on the city of St. Louis?? If that’s the case, should I say that all the piss drunk fans I’ve seen at Bears and Cubs games who can’t even walk straight and have no clue what’s going on in the game reflect what the city of Chicago is all about? That they reflect what a metro area of over 9 million people all act like? Ridiculous and childless assertion. The Hawks aren’t going to win every year. It sucks, but I’m over it already, and you should be too.
if we want to talk about cities and sportsmanship, lets talk about the excessive celebration the Cubs put on after winning a first round series. Team photos on the field? All night drinking binge? It’s no wonder they got swept in the next round. It’s just round 1, The Blues players were subdued in comparison. STL has had a rough 6-8 months in the sports realm, they deserved to let loose a bit. Still nothing like the disgraceful thing I saw in Wrigley.
Hahaha shut the fuck up dude. #LongLiveTheNote
Looking forward to reading your next article shaming the Bears for disrespect
You’re upset about a song being disrespectful or classless based on your perception. What about when Seabrook got suspended for the dirty hit on Backes and then said “wakey, wakey Backes.” Just one example in a long line of disrespectful things that have happened between these two teams. I’m not saying that it’s okay to be disrespectful by the justification that it’s been done to you. However, I think an article about a song is a bit much considering all the things that have happened year in and out between these clubs.
Feel free to fill this out and submit it the St. Louis Blues:
Your tears are so salty
Seriously? Good job trying to manufacture some outrage. Maybe he did it to honor you guys and the series? The players obviously could have cared less. Maybe you should follow their lead.
The anthem is a great tradition… when fans do it in their own barn. When traveling hawks fans start screaming like idiots during the anthem at away games, its disrespectful and stupid. If I went to a game in Chicago and started screaming all the Predators cheers, I would expect an ass kicking. But screaming like assholes during the anthem here is “showing respect” and “tradition”. Screw off…
Hahaha…another hateful Chicago article against St. Louis. I like this one especially because the author has to repeatedly defend himself in the comments. Another claim that STL has bad fans…when it’s Chicago over and over that lacks class.
“But hey, we are talking about St. Louis here… so probably not.” Bahahaha!
Chelsea Dagger? Never heard of her. However screaming through the Star Spangled Banner is acceptable? As a veteran of two wars I find it rude. Maybe that’s my feelings getting hurt. Must make Chicago fans and the city despicable.
All the stupid comments defending this low-class move refer to stuff the Hawks did during games. That’s how hockey goes–there’s a lot of dirty stuff during a game. The point is that when the games are over and the handshake is going on, the war is in the past and it’s’s time to congratulate each other–not to throw a cheap shot that just makes you look shabby in victory.
Did your little feelings get hurt? Grow a pair!
Waaaahhhh. Why don’t you cry about it? Is this seriously how petty you’re going to be? I love sore losers. Too funny. It was a great series and our music team was trolling the whole series. It was in good fun. This “writer” seems like an oversensitive chump. Most fans I’ve seen on both sides have been classy, before and after. It’s these loser media babies that keep trying to stir ANYTHING up. YAWN.
Nice picture of the handshake line showing Blues players in white jerseys and Ryan Reaves in the picture. You could have at least had enough respect to post the correct handshake line.
I’ve never seen a fan base try so hard to keep being talked about after they are eliminated. Series is over, your team is out. Root for the Cubs now if hockey makes you so angry when the Blackhawks aren’t playing.
Speaking of class: “Wakey, wakey, Backes!”
This is a joke of an article… “My feelings are hurt, so I’m going to cry all over the internet”
Have a nice summer….
You need to buy a larger size of Huggies. A few notes from the “organist”? That’s your beef? Think about that. The sting of a brutal, 7 game series loss isn’t easy, especially when you’re a passionate fan. Which you absolutely seem to be.
The handshake between the 2 teams was classy, professional , and genuine. Don’t piss on it because of a stupid song played by an equally stupid $15 per hour organist.
Apply vigorously.
Have you considered the possibility that the playing of your team’s song was meant as a compliment?
lolol it’s just a song dude, chill out. Someone gets butthurt easily. Just had to get some article in before deadline I guess…..
The song is ages old? Released in 2006. Tradition I think not. You are getting a little nit picky here with your views. Explain why exactly should anyone do any more “research” into you whiny ass opinion? Go home, grow a thicker skin, have enough self respect to not think your opinion is fact or maybe do some research of your own before just guessing at the intent of something before you “write”
Single most butthurt article I’ve ever read about any sporting event. Did you write the headline? Condemn the whole city over an organist. I mean, aren’t you a little embarrassed? Be honest. Would you write this article again?
Were you wearing one of those “Wakey Wakey Backes” shirts from two years ago while writing this? (I realize the likelihood of that is pretty slim, just proving a point). Look, there’s always going to be the person that goes overboard in pouring salt in a rival’s wound, especially in a rivalry like this. The organist went too far here and whoever sold those Wakey Wakey shirts did in 2014. Neither is a reason to put an entire organization or city on blast.
I understand your point, but think you’re overreacting to it. I guarantee no one in my area at ScottTrade even knew the organist played. We were yelling and celebrating and watching two outstanding teams shake hands at the end of the series.
There will always be fans who will never, ever concede any positivity toward their rival. Most fans I know, although they may hate the Hawks, have a great amount of respect, admiration, and, even, envy of that team. Not to sound like Panger, but, why wouldn’t we? 3 cups in 6 seasons in the salary cap era!! Every UFA wants to play there. They’re an exciting team to watch and they never, ever quit. If they weren’t in Chicago, there’s no one in STL who wouldn’t like them.
It’s a shame 1 of these teams is out in the 1st round. And, one more of the top 4 teams will be out after the 2nd round.
There were few Hawks fans parading around ScottTrade that weren’t yelling “3 Cups, 0 Cups”, or holding up 3 fingers. So, I don’t feel too badly about a couple of lines of that stupid song being played. Again, I doubt anyone there even heard it.
You’re right. An organization can control their own actions. Cheering through the National Anthem is as disrespectful as it gets. It’s your home stadium tradition? Awesome, keep it there. Don’t take it on the road with you where other fans find it disrespectful. Also, work on controlling Keith (cheap shot artist), Shaw (Classiest move of the playoffs), and Kane (I think we all know the deal here). Get over it babies.
I watched the traditional handshake at the end of game 7 and saw 2 hockey teams showing each other mutual respect and admiration. There was nothing phony about it at all. What’s “phony” is this article . Do you want a some cheese and crackers with that whine?
Disrespectful was the Chicago Sun Times article published April 24 entitled, “Say goodbye to the Blues, who couldn’t put the Blackhawks away.” We can go back and forth about disrespect all day but there’s really no point to it. Wipe your tears and go quietly into the offseason.
As a photographer and member of the media, I am going to point out a different aspect If you want to add credibility to your article and help sell the point, don’t use a photo from two years ago as your lead image. There was plenty of photos from that night or the series you could have used. No reputable news source would use an old photo talking about that situation. Old stock photos are used when referencing players or referring back to time.
*facepalm* You’re absolutely right – this was not a good decision. From the title of the article, I was expecting to see some player misconduct or even unruly fans. It did make me click though – win.
The truth of the matter is that it was the organist (who knew they could be so controversial?) and whoever knew what he was playing (his family? friends? boss?). My hope is that people realize that one or two people’s actions are not representative of an entire organization or an entire city for that matter. I think we’ve already established that Shaw (whose actions you clearly disagree with) does not represent the Blackhawks organization at-large, fans, or city of Chicago. On the bright side, the players seem to respect the tradition of the handshake, and from what I’ve heard/read, the fans have been thrilled over the excitement of a well-fought series on both ends.
Lighten Up.
You make assumptions that anyone actually signed off on this.
Players are the true symbols of the organization, not organists. So I don’t think that the Blackhawks have much to stand on regarding class here. The off ice behavior of Patrick Kane. The dirty play of Duncan Keith (not to mention the wakey wakey classlessness). Andrew Shaw. Crawford going after a rookie that didn’t do anything? Heat of the moment or not that was REALLY bad sportsmanship. Blues have their dirty moments too for sure, but I can’t come up with anything to match all that. Our coach hasn’t grabbed his crotch yet either that I can remember. You don’t have a leg to stand on with respect to class. Grasping at the straws of an organist? Assigning motives that you aren’t privy too? Assuming that the franchise signed off on something? You just sound like a petulent 3 year old who lost a game of Candy Land.
This is a joke.
Hawk Fans are clapping during the Blues National Anthem and you are mad about this!??
They mocked the entire country and military by doing that, and you are mad about a background song that nobody could hear during the handshakes
Show some class. That song sucks anyway
St. Louis has a long standing history of being respectful in all of our sports franchises. Maybe they shouldn’t have played it during handshakes but after that. ..they should have blasted it! This was a huge moment for us blues fans…finally getting past the first round and beating the hawks! And not having to hear that damn taunting song again this season. ..yay!
I feel you.
That could have also been the honoring of the champs before the big celebration…Go hawks
Several counter arguments about class and sportsmanship.
1. Cheering through the National Anthem is disrespectful. However, you can do it at your place, that’s fine. Just don’t do it at other team’s buildings, that’s disrespectful to the home team’s tradition.
2. Wakey Wakey Backes is a shirt purchased by Blackhawks fans. Pretty pathetic in comparison to a subtle jab.
3. Patrick Kane is a poor display of a human being off the ice.
4. Andrew Shaw and Duncan Keith are poor displays on the ice.
Jamie – I understand the point you are trying to make but I think you are grasping at straws here. Maybe the organist should’ve chosen another song since he a representative of the franchise and it could be interpreted to be a malicious act (as malicious as an organ tune can be?). But ultimately, I think you might be the only individual on earth who picked up on it.
However, you opened a can of worms by pointing the finger of unsportsmanlike behavior at the Blues organization considering the actions made by the Blackhawks this post-season (yeah I know you bashed Shaw in a previous article, good on you) and years prior. What about the “Wakey, Wakey Backes” t-shirts that were made after the disgusting hit Seabrook made on Backes against the boards in game 2 of the Western conference Q finals? This act by Seabrook, which defined unsportsmanlike behavior, could have ended a career and even caused irreparable damage to a player. Every time I saw those t-shirts I was enraged. To not only support this nasty hit, but parade it around by wearing a damn t-shirt celebrating the fact that he almost caused major brain damage to a player is about as low as you can go as a fan. What a display of blatant disrespect. I realize these shirts were not made by the franchise but I think you need to be cognizant of the hypocrisy here. Who gives a shit about a damn song?
In fairness to the guy who tweeted about it, he’s a Blackhawks fan and the “#cool” was sarcastic, even if it didn’t come out that way.
I know who he is.
You have won 3 cups in last 6 years, and you’re getting your panties in a wad over this? Good grief, and you people complain about Cardinal fans.
To the rest of hockey fans it’s the most annoying song in the world, glad the shoe is on the other foot.
Whining over subtle organ music? Hope someone goes on a Tampax run for you buddy. Pussification of America at it’s greatest.
I had to be told that was the song being played to know it. It is a poor song that is highly toxic to hear if you don’t like the Blackhawks but Chicago loves it – so more power to them as I can’t stand it.
I doubt many fans even noticed or cared one iota. I would have preferred when the Blues Come Marching In.
No one other than the Organist knows if it was a tribute or taunt. Blues move onto a tough series with Dallas and Blackhawks do whatever.
I loved it. The best part is, no one really cares about Blackhawks fans crying foul, lol! Your organization continues to support some of the most abhorrent behavior and that’s of its own players! And again, now that the ‘Hawks are out, NO ONE CARES. Stop being a sore loser.
So you must hate Keith… his wakey wakey comments are just classy and the cheap shots he take. Take a joke..
In all reality it was just a song probably not to mock the team but to pay homage to them for such a great series. I am sure they brought a ton of fans to those seats. It is sad that it is being taken in such a negative light and now everything that went bad in the series is being brought up. The song is extremely catchy, I listen to it quite a bit but it’s not like everyone in the Scotttrade center sang along to it or the players either. This is being overreacted to, I am sure next year the Hawks will be right back in the mix for a cup just look at this as our time to finally get over choking in the first round. I will apologize that the playing of a few notes of your song was taken out of context but to belittle an organization over the first time they have made it out of the first round is ridiculous.
You ever seen a hockey game before that? Do you really think people don’t trash talk in hockey?! Or any sport for that matter? Hell, when I was 10 we said and did worse on the ice. Find something better to do, bozo.
I’m a Blues and Cardinal fan. I agree that was wrong for the blues to play. However I was really impressed with the Blackhawk fans. After the game ended a lot of them were telling the blues fans good luck and go win the cup! Yeah I know our fan base is suppose to hate each other at all cost but I was glad to see the hawk fans telling us good luck. This summer when the Cubs are in town I’ll pray and hope the Cards win every game but when October comes around if the Cards are out, I’ll be rooting for the Cubs!
And what about the Chicago Bears disrespectful, low-blow of a tweet?
this coming from the team that promoted the wakey wakey backes…Seems legit, drink your medicine and own the fact that you lost.
The Hawks never promoted that at all. It was an idiot t-shirt vendor that was chastised in Chicago.
fair enough, but honestly, that song being played WAS poor taste, it was a well fought series on both sides. it really does suck that one team has to go home. especially after this series. GL next year mate.
and i didnt notice it till last night. And being a blues fan, it is nice not having to hear that for once. your city has had a great team these last 7 or so years. so be proud of the fact that your team had nearly a roster make over and still made the playoffs. I am just thankful we made it to the next round.
And what’s to say the choice of music wasn’t made by one idiot who no one from St. Louis cares for? 99.99999% of the people in St. Louis had no say in the song. But people in Chicago actually did buy those shirts. Get over it. I never held the shirts against the Hawks or Chicago. Grow up.
Go kill yourself columnist.
You know when you post I get an email with your IP, right?
I don’t understand why you felt you had to say this. Keep comments like this to yourself. You have no idea how calm I’m being right now because I’m the columnists mom who you told to kill himself. Thank God I raised my son respectfully. Oh how I’m restraining
I don’t understand what’s so awful about this. Is it just a song used heavily by the Blackhawks? I don’t watch hockey. If so, how is that mocking them? If it were the Olympics and some other country played our national anthem I would cry about it. Quite the opposite. It seems like a good, final send off. Am I missing something here? You sound like a sore loser, honestly. How many cups do you have? It’s a song. Get over it.
If you thought it was meant as a mockery to the Hawks, well so what? Your life just be pretty awesome if this is what you spend your time and energy getting worked up over.
C’mon! Having your feelings hurt over a song being played after losing is pathetic! Chicago sports fans with their aggressive arrogance has been going on since the 85′ Bears to my memory. Chicago sports fans are only slightly better than Philly in my experiences and are only confirmed when I read the articles in the Sun Times after game 6! Grow up! You have won the cup 3 out the last 6 years, act like it, don’t cry about a song being played!
You must have already forgotten about those classy acts from Chicago like Keith’s “Wakey, wakey Backes” and Shaw’s little moment earlier in this series, and let’s see there was also Keith’s suspension for the last part of the regular season and Kane’s off-ice episodes (multiple). Give me a break. We beat you, for a change. Man up, and take your medicine. This article is a JOKE!
Interesting, I’ve never seen military personnel screaming throughout the anthem, even at the United Center. If this is so patriotic, I wonder why everybody doesn’t participate. Veterans on the ice saluted the flag the last two games at UC.
While in uniform jack. I, being a vet, have attended Hawks games with others and we screamed along with the fans.
I’m a veteran and I was thinking the very same thing Travis!
One the best playoff series I have ever watched.. This was more of finals than a 1st round series.. I could not hear over the tv what was playing. But I do recall the Chicago announcer stating their after a Hawks victory song was playing.. To change the subject. A hockey fan tweeted ( it was televised) that he would get a tattoo of Gary Bettman (NHL commissioner) if the Blackhawks and kings got knocked out of the first round.. Will Chicago fans make him honor that tweet?
Wakey wakey Assholes!! Shaw, Keith, Seabrook, crotch grabbing crybaby coach, ect. Who gives a flip what Shitcago or their fans or their writers think!?
Jesus Christ, it’s a game. Stop being a baby. There are legitimate things to get upset about in this world. This is not one of them. It’s just sports.
I think you’re being too sensitive, personally but my comment is in response to Blues fans complaining about the Hawks fans cheering the anthem. Let me qualify my opinion by saying I’m a combat veteran and a die hard Blues fan. I’ve been to the Mad House during the anthem and it’s a one of a kind feeling. They yell out of pride and respect for the flag, the anthem, and what they stand for. We live in a time where we have people stomping and burning our flag, so let’s not call patriotic pride offensive. If you scream BLUES at the end of the anthem at Scott trade but find the cheering offensive, you need think take a minute and think about that.
Although I don’t agree, thanks for the article. It was an interesting perspective.
You being a veteran, first off, thank you for your service!
Now, while serving your country, I’m sure you along with each and every member of active duty military, are proud to serve, proud of our flag and maybe, proud of our country. You’re in it, ‘you’re in the shit’ but I’m pretty sure not one of you yelled when the National Anthem was played. I’m pretty sure that, again, each and every one of you stood at attention, with your mouth close until it was over, if not longer.
You see, I’m a veteran of the United States Air Force, 1981-1984, and while things have mostly likely changed over the years, I doubt that yelling during the playing of our National Anthem is one of those changes.
All the shit that went on in this series, and thats the only thing you have to be pissed off about, GROW UP !!
This is two great teams that played there heart out, this series could have actually been the Stanley Cup Finals, If the league would get there head out of there ass and learn how to match playoffs that might have happened. Men play and emotions come out, if you are a fan you have the right to display your frustration or victory any way you want to… You can’t blame the organist, or the fans on what was a very emotional game. GO BLUES , 1st Cup 2016….
I hear nothing.
sorry Jamie, respect is a two way street. there have been several arenas that have asked ‘hawks fans to eliminate the braying in their buildings. what may have started out as a salute to the troops winds up sounding more like drunken frat boys bellowing like cows in a Chicago slaughterhouse. snarky, yes! unsportsmanlike considering most bandwagon Chi fans, nah!
I understand that it hurts to lose in the first round. I’m a Blues fan.
You must be some kind of sore loser to point fingers at our organization and call them unsportsmanlike. Do you think there was a staff meeting about playing chelsea dagger during the handshake line if the Blues won the series? Yeah, that’s it. Must have been an executive decision made by the organization.
You should be ashamed of yourself for writing this article.
I have a feeling you’re being overly critical about a non-intention. We have list to Chicago many a game and round, and I know hundreds of Blues fans personally that have taken the losses with respect and dignity.
Don’t be so sensitive. People like YOU are what spoil the game.
I don’t condone mocking, especially since I pride myself on being a respectable Blues fan! That goes for the Blackhawks as well…which brings me to the 2014 “Wakey Wakey Backes” taunt that mocked our injured captain…everyone makes mistakes and says/does things they don’t mean. Just let us enjoy our celebration and be proud of the effort your team put forward, and we can all keep it classy!
One word, said twice, “wakey, wakey”…
Now tell me more about class. And when you say that was different, I do agree to an extent. It was actually a player, someone who must actually be held accountable in the game for their unsportsmanlike actions, that was responsible.
Very pathetic. This is harmless by comparison to some of the things the blues and their fans have dealt with over the years from the Hawks.
Took a lot of heat for it (maybe rightfully so) but ultimately I haven’t changed my mind.
I didn’t even hear it, but I think it was to honor the Hawks. If “When the Blues Go Marching IN” while they were shaking hands, THAT would have been and in-your-face move. It was a compliment. I kinda think you would have complained with either song.
sorry for the missing words…typed in a hurry.
” If “When the Blues Go Marching IN”were playing while they were shaking hands, THAT would have been and in-your-face move. “
What a freaking stupid post. You’ve got 3 Cups, a perennial power house year after year. You got beat. Get over it. It happens from time to time. If you don’t like getting trolled in the other teams barn, win the game and you won’t.
Wakey, Wakey.
Took a lot of heat for it (maybe rightfully so) but ultimately I haven’t changed my mind.
What a joke to journalism you are. After the very recent behavior from shaw and Keith, you want to cry like a baby and condemn the entire city and organization over a song played on the organ? Blackhawks fans wonder why the entire world hates them and was rooting against them. It’s not because you’ve won, it’s because of crybaby garbage like this.
Sorry for showing my age (mid 50’s) what is Chelsea Daggers and how is it offensive? i looked it up on You Tube and there seemed to be a rather avant garde music group playing a song with 1/2 dressed women dancing around.
Hahaha, you win the comment contest for today!
There are no prizes, and I made up the contest just now. But congrats! You beat I believe 213 comments!
You wanna talk about sportsmanship? Remember this? ” wakey wakey backes ” f%$& you and the blackHawks!!!
Which has been chastised by the team, media, and many many others.
BTW… great language.
I edited your post only to bleep your colorful verb.
Took a lot of heat for it (maybe rightfully so) but ultimately I haven’t changed my mind.
You Chicago folks must have forgotten the fun you had last October at Wrigley. It’s a rivalry, between two great cities and two great fan bases. Trolling is part of life today. All good clean fun!
Well Chicago can go and just die, hope the whole city burnes, when you guys lose, you have to make it act like you shouldn’t have, just take it, you lost, get over it.
I’m a die hard Hawks fan. Let’s agree that the blues-Hawks series was exciting, action packed and extremely close. While I’m not a Blues fans, I’m rooting for them to win, now that the Hawks are out because they beat us and they are our neighbors. This nonsense about chippy play happens all the time on both sides as all teams take liberties as far as they can. At this juncture, I’d like to thank the blues because if you saw toews face as he awaited his teammates to enter the path to the locker room, you know that we will be a better team next year. The. Blues should also thank the Hawks because they improved over the past couple of years to get past the Hawks, so their hard work has paid off.
what a post. Thank you, and considering the fact that your team has had a major make over for kane and toews. it is incredible that you even made the playoffs. Have to hand it to your gm. However, that being said, I really shouldnt have expected anything less from that captain, kane, keith, seabrook, panarin and the rest of the cast. aside from your first and second line, your third and first line is just as lethal. teravainen and panarin terrified me from the start of the season. Thanks for such a thrilling series. You’re a true hockey fan!
*third and fourth line
Whiney bastards!
Crybabies live in Chicago. The person who wrote this article proves it by acting all butt-hurt over a song. He’s just mad because his team lost, so he has to insult my hometown and basically call us classless. Question… much class is he showing by acting like a crybaby and slinging mud? He is actually the one without any class. Stuff it up your shuffle trunk, you coward.
Took a lot of heat for it (maybe rightfully so) but ultimately I haven’t changed my mind.
I’m not seeing how they were disrespectful for playing a song?????? During the handshake are they not suppose to play music? All the years of watching playoff hockey I guess I’ve never really paid attention to that. Regardless people in general need to get over having their feelings hurt with every little thing that they disagree with in life. Like I said I guess I’m just not seeing what all the fuss is about.
Organ players have done these kinds of things for years not sure it is really the city’s fault on that, or the team’s fault. I am sure it was meant in good fun but I see how it could be viewed the other way. I hate the Hawks that said I do respect what they do as a team. I am delirious that the Note is moving on and hope that beating the Hawks is the catalyst for busting our curse in the playoffs.
Awwww.. Did you get you widdle feewings hurt? I’d love to know when the Blackhawks organization and their fans became this pillar of decency, class, and civility, you seem to suggest that they are!!! This is just the most ridiculous dreck. It’s a FUCKING RIVALRY, you clown! Nevermind the filthy, dirty plays we’ve suffered over the years. We’ve taken heat from Hawks fans (MUCH worse than this!) for years, now, and as soon as you get a little jab back, you have a crybaby hissy? It’s not even that mean-spirited!!! More sacred Than a handshake line, is the national anthem, which Hawks fans shout through in our building. My advice, if you suffer this colossally severe, self-righteous indignation over a little ribbing amidst one of the biggest rivalries in sports, is to get out of covering hockey!
Perfect example right here. Fan should be setting his sights on the next round opponent, yet searches tge web looking for someone that’s said something bad about his beloved Notes… Thinks up a mean spirited witty comeback, posted on the website, only to find out the author had already written about a lot of the same instances he mentions here.
If you are going to post a picture, make sure it is current. Whoever made this post is an idiot. This picture is from a game played in Chicago and after a Hawks series win. Typical. Wonder if you could name the captain before Toews without Google?