White Sox Fans Dipped to a New Low

Edit: this post has certainly taken a life of its own. I want this to be clear, 95% of any White Sox fan that I have spoken to has shown sympathy towards Kyle, as well as Cubs fans. That does not discount those who this article is about. I do not believe that all of the 35,000 some odd fans that were at the reacted this way, but I have spoken to fans that were seated throughout the ballpark that have confirmed there was noticable cheering. Again, this isn’t an attack on White Sox fans, or an attempt to create a fan war. This is merely telling a story that was presented.Â
With all the snow and sun and snow and rain and snow and sun, there was a baseball game played in Chicago. The Southside opened US Cellular even with the weather, and a fire earlier in the day. While this is news any other day, the real news here is how White Sox fans dipped to a new low.
During the third inning of the Chicago White Sox home opener, the White Sox had announced that the Chicago Cubs young star had tears in his ACL and LCL, which would sideline him for the entire season. Now there is a rule in sports, never root for, or cheer an injury to anyone else’s teams, apparently the White Sox fans that showed up opening day have never heard of this.
During that announcenent, it gave the fans their only reason to cheer, outside of a fourth inning home run by Todd Frazier.
Now this could be he said she said, right. At least that is what I thought anyways (even with the multiple social media posts claiming it was true). So I sought out someone who was actually in attendance to see if they can confirm it. Since this is just a fan, and was speaking in anonymity, we will not reveal their name.
“I went to the sox game yesterday. I had never been to one before. My friend is a sox fan and they have season tickets and she asked me to go with her. I was shocked when the fans started booing their own team!”
When asked if the booing of the Schwarber news happened, she replied, “it seemed that way.” And when questioned if there was anything else it could have been, “there wasn’t much to cheer for during that game.”
Sure this could be a made up tale, and someone at the game just felt like they had to collaborate it. That is when I reached out to several others that were in attendance, and they cinfirmed this as well. So, just to see how bad this is, I go out to social media and find out it’s not just a small occurrence.
I think I speak for all #WhiteSox fans when I say get well Kyle Schwarber. pic.twitter.com/uJQn2fpUNX
— Rick Hahn (@NotRickHahn) April 8, 2016
Am I too late for a Schwaber crying Jordan?
— Godzilla Shammgodzilla (@FanSince09) April 8, 2016
This is a new low. You just don’t root for or cheer injuries. These fans should certainly be ashamed of themselves. And yes, they are not kept anonymous because of their doucebaggery.
Don’t blame all White Sox fans for what a certain few have to say. I love the White Sox but that does not make me a Cubs hater. Just love Chicago teams in general.
In the article I am hard on the folks that spoke negatively about the injury. I will say, from last October till today most sox fans have openly (or secretly) rooted for the Cubs to do well. I certainly appreciate those fans.
It was a full stadium. Much more than a few
What would you expect from a group which includes Obama
Couldnt resist bringing an irrelevant political comment into a sports conversation could you??? Shows how original and intelligent you are… NOT!
I’m a White Sox fan. I wasn’t at the game. I’m not celebrating Schwarber’s injury. I am a Cardinal fan, too, and I heard a lot of chirping from some Cub fans I know when Wainwright, Adams, Holliday, Molina, et al were disabled last year. Fans are fans. All fan bases have their classy fans, and all fan bases (yes, even the Cubs) have their morons.
I echo Johns comment, this happens at every stadium and fan base in the major sports of every type. And yes, some Cubs fans cheered the Wainwright injury last year. Before writing an article as a biased Cubs fan, maybe do your research to see that it happens all over.
It did not happen. I heard people all over saying “man that stinks”.
There’s a LOT going on between innings. During the 3rd, the “Hero of the Game” (a service person ) is announced and MOST of the crowd stands and cheers.
Outside of some isolated douchebags, nobody was happy for someone else’s injury.
Agreed. I was in attendance and did not hear one person “cheer” about anything cub’s related. Most Sox fans I know, including myself, don’t pay much attention to the cubs outside any games played between the two clubs.
I wish the kid a speedy recovery.
So if KC lost Hosmer or Gordon, or Detroit lost Miggy or Upton, or Cleveland lost Kluber or Carrasco, we as Sox fans should feel sorry for them? No thanks. Im cheering an injury from any team i dont like
But this mentality doesn’t exist I’m told… classy…
Making stuff up to get a rise out of cubs fans and sox fans …. Classy
Then youre dumb. Beat the best to win. Dont be a bitch about it
That’s cuz you’re not a true sportsman. Can you be happy for your own team because a rival lost one of their stars ?Sure, should you cheer the injury of any player? Only if you’re a complete asshole
I wouldn’t go as far as call this a article. What kind of writing pulls social media posts as their main source? At one point it states they cheered and then booed. So what is it booing or cheering. And your witness said seemed. It is sickening that some fans cheered this but let’s do a little better reporting.
I have been a white sox fan all my life and trust me I can’t stand the cub’s but when I heard about the injury it made me sick. He has a great future and hopefully this is just a pause in a long and healthy career. Go Sox!!!
Great job falsifying a story there Jaime! I have numerous people that were at the game , and yes ur normal few cheered(gonna happen anywhere) but otherwise ur article is totally false! Maybe try writing something true to get readers , not bs.
I continue to stand behind the piece. This has been confirmed by many.
You kinda have to now
When many people confirmed the story to me, yes, we will indeed stand behind it. It wasn’t a ploy for readers, the site was healthy before and will continue to be after this. We aren’t in the business of making things up, and pride ourselves on writing with integrity.
First off, this didn’t happen. Second , what kind of hack writes an article that is literally just saying I can’t say this happened but sounds like it might possibly have?
Agree whole heartedly
As a Cubs fan, I personally hated seeing all the injuries to the Cardinals last year. When you have a young, talented team, you want them to face the best at their best to see how good you are, and what you’re made of.
As an athlete and someone who still plays baseball, you NEVER want to see someone get injured, you NEVER hope for an injury, and you hope for speedy recoveries for those who get injured. It’s a sad, sad world when you stand and applaud someone being injured for an entire season, an injury that could change the rest of a young players career.
Sad day for baseball losing such a great young talent, sad day for the Cubs losing a staple in their offense, and a sad day for those respectful fans that get grouped with the few morons who applaud such injuries.
Have passion for your team, root for your team, but hope your team is good enough full strength to beat other teams full strength, NEVER take joy in the injuries of others, and it’s not about feeling sorry for another team, it’s having respect for the human being that is the athlete out on that field.
Well said, and yes the FEW morons that applauded this should be ashamed , but the majority felt bad. This writer should be ashamed for falsifying information he got from a few unnamed sources and non verified information .
Jim, I spoke with personal friends of mine that were there. THEY WERE THERE! All of them confirm it happened. Now it wasn’t 38,000 people that did it, but there was enough to make it noticable from different parts of the ballpark.
I’m calling BS.
And I spoke to MANY friend and family THAT WERE THERE and stated some people cheered which happens in every stadium across the country . Big difference when you now say it wasn’t the stadium but a noticeable amount…. That could be 100 people yelling boo, over others just shaking their heads and saying that sucks. Much different than ur article headline.
So it happened.
I’ll make sure to be at Wrigley when Molina tears something. I guarantee you I can write the exact same column the next day. No point in even bringing this up.
Dan, I’d open the site up to allow you to do that. Btw… I was disappointed when Molina was hurt last season, I’m a Cubs fan and absolutely LOVE watching him catch.
This bothered me, too, so I did a little fact-checking. The Schwarber news broke on April 7th, when the Sox were wrapping their trip to Oakland. They opened at home at 4PM central time, a full news cycle after Schwarber’s injury was announced. I am calling complete and total bullshit on this story.
False. He had the incident on April 7th, the tear to the ACL and LCL wasn’t announced until 4:30 PM the next day, during the White Sox home opener. We have spoken to nearly 25 different individuals from multiple circles, all were at the game and have confirmed that this indeed happened.
I don’t believe this for a second. I’ve been to hundreds of baseball games in my lifetime and never once have I heard the PA announcer give details on an injury for the home team or another team. This is pure bull$hit.
Why in the world would the White Sox make an announcement like that in the middle of a game….I wonder…just another example of the fine White Sox management…or lack thereof.
I’m sure we can trust you at your word and the unnamed anonymous folks you turn to for substantiation.
There was a public address announcement of Kyle Schwarber’s injury? I’ve been attending Sox games for 51 years, I don’t ever remember hearing announcements about Cubbie player injuries.
Why is it that 35,000 fans at the Sox home opener cheered Schwarber’s injury and no one in print, TV or Radio reported this?
According to WBEZ reporter Cheryl Raye Stout there was no announcement, no one cheered.
LOL, this didn’t happen. The Sox didn’t announce Schwarber’s injury at any point during the game. What a pathetic article trying to make a name for yourself.
I’m a die hard cubs fan but I was at the sox opener courtesy of some tickets that I won. And there was a significant amount of fans cheering the schwarber news…..stadium for opening day was garbage. I had dugout seats behind sox dugout and was still able to get 8 extra people to come sit with me and my friends. Horrible fans in almost every way
Clearly no bias here and your word can be trusted unlike that liar Cheryl Raye Stout..
Typical Cubs fan , and u probably weren’t even a cub fan til last year
I was at the game. There was no announcement, there was no cheering. This “story” is a complete fabrication.
The Sox don’t make announcements regarding the Cubs, plain and simple. This story is pure fiction.
Wow. What a crock story. I was at the game Griday and (1) there was no PA announcement about the Cubs and (2) there was no cheering for this terrible injury. Despite what Cub fans want to think, the Sox do not care about the Cubs that much.
The news of the injury wasn’t even announced officially until the 7th inning of opening day (at least I’m Twitter-verse)
Kudos on trying to get more hits for your website with this BS story.