Who in the World is Marlins Man?

We’ve all seen him, typically directly behind the pink hat man behind the plate. The guy wearing that god-awful orange Miami Marlins jersey. Why in the world is someone wearing a Marlins jersey, sitting directly behind home plate at a Chicago Cubs game?
He doesn’t just go to Cubs games fans. He was spotted in the front row in Kansas City during last year’s World Series, as well as San Francisco, and New York, and just about every big sporting event there’s been over the past several seasons.
But just who is this guy, and why does he think he can wear a Marlins jersey to games that don’t feature the Marlins?
“I love the Marlins and the Dolphins, the (Florida State) Seminoles and Heat,” Laurence Leavy, more famously known as Marlins Man, said.
“When I used to go to football games, I’d wear a Dolphins jersey. When I went to a basketball game, I wore my Heat jersey. And when I went to a Marlins game, I wore my Marlins jersey. I have tons of pictures like that.
“By accident, a few years ago, I wore an orange Marlins jersey to a Heat game. Everybody was wearing white but someone had stolen the (white) shirt they left on my chair (to wear). I stood out like a creamsicle. My friends liked it because they could see where I was sitting. Before, they said they couldn’t find me. Now, they can easily find me.”
So just who is Laurence Leavy, and why is he at these games?
Leavy owns a successful law office that employs around 50 in Miami, and is a sports nut with the financial means to do what we would all love to do. He estimates that he travels 300 days a year to attend the biggest sporting events, including – World Series, Super Bowl, NBA finals, Kentucky Derby, and many more.
“I love the energy at these big sporting events,” said Leavy. “It’s like an addiction. You wish your team could have it every year. I was at every game when the Marlins played in their two World Series.”
Wearing another team’s garb, you could expect that he isn’t well received by fans in the park, and you couldn’t be more wrong. Fans are often curious, but inquire with well intended interest. Most actually like what hes doing.
“You’re great, Marlins Man,” says a Giants fan during the 2014 World Series. “I love seeing you on TV.”
Sure Leavy enjoys the attention, and the love he receives from fans around the country, and he shows it by often retweeting selfies with others.
Looks like my Dads and my Uncle @Marlins_Man are hanging out tonight. NOT a #MarlinsWoman pic.twitter.com/iW4vuvaCmC
— DEAD Larry VII (@PMTLarry) October 17, 2016
meeting the @Marlins_Man was the highlight of my night pic.twitter.com/7cWYITf4nu
— Brooke Bouse (@brookebouse) October 17, 2016
While some may think a lawyer, that gets this much attention, would probably try and find a way to use the exposure to his advantage – you would be wrong again. Leavy has used this publicity, but he is using it to help others with his Pay it Forward campaign. While he used to just buy a seat, well positioned behind home plate, he is now buying multiple and inviting several local fans as well.
He has used his social media pages to seek out guests, and helps them attend ganes they might otherwise not be able to go to. He’s brought diehard Red Sox fans to Boston vs Yankees games, or Reds fans, or Royals fans. He has turned his fandom and financial ability into a good and unselfish service for others.
And just how does he get the best seats in the house to the best games?
“Initially the first time I go to a stadium, I buy the tickets from the Internet or a broker,” Leavy said. “But I have people in almost every city I’ve been to that not only want to sell me tickets directly but sometimes they give them to me for free as their way of feeling good and paying it forward for a guy that is doing good things for other people.”
Why would a fan with season tickets sell that seat to an out of towner?
People will sell them for good money; it pays for the whole year (of game tickets),” said Leavy. “It’s like they went the whole year for free.”
Tip your caps to Laurence, hes living the dream we all wish we could have, and not only that, he is really paying it forward. Just ask the guys at Barstool Sports, they accompanied him to Game 2 of the NLCS on Sunday night.
We came as friends. We departed as best friends #humble pic.twitter.com/X0Uewaslpg
— Pardon My Take (@PardonMyTake) October 17, 2016
You’re doing the lords work Laurence, keep it all up, and Cubs fans… get used to seeing him behind Pink Hat Man, he’said going to watch a lot of baseball in Wrigley over the next several years.
Make sure to follow Laurence on both Facebook and Twitter @MarlinsMan as well as his website: marlinsman.com.
“I’m happy when other people are happy. And I feel like I’ve finally found my place in life.” Laurence Leavy aka: Marlins Man.